what happened at quince in june?

June was a busy month and just seemed to fly by. I had the pleasure of spending 3 weeks of the month in Maine and she did not disappoint—between the bluest skies I have ever seen and the lupine blooming, it was really spectacular.

This past month, we were doing quite a bit of behind-the-scenes work. We were busy prepping for the launch of a new inventory system, which took quite a bit of effort from the team. Thankfully, as of the writing of this post, I’m proud to report that we’ve successfully launched it and are well on our way to working out all its kinks.

Photoshoot Highlight

We had a really exciting photoshoot for the upcoming baby and kids collection—stay tuned for its release later this month!  It turned out really sweet and we all want to make all the tiny pieces, they’re just too cute.

My First Knitting Retreat

This month I was lucky enough to attend the KnitWit at the Shores Knitting Retreat.  It was an incredible experience, held at the Searsport Shores Campground and attended by 50-ish avid knitters. We had several wonderful teachers: Casapinka, Sydney Crabaugh and Simone Kereit.  I attended classes taught by each teacher and learned so much—most notably how to read a chart and an introduction to colorwork. I also made this tiny sampler shawl (see below)—my very first shawl!  I met so many wonderful people, had amazing food, and just really enjoyed the beautiful grounds, it was a really special experience.

After the retreat, my family met me and we vacationed in Midcoast for 10 days. We stayed at the most perfect camp you can find on airbnb Otyokwa. It was an old boy scout camp in a previous life and the perfect laid back setting for our trip. We ate a ton of seafood (my favorite was the fried oysters), visited so many amazing little towns, and just spent a lot of quality time together. The highlight of the trip for me was our visit to Monhegan Island. It is an hour's boat trip and well worth the trek. It is truly one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited.  

On My Needles

I had another very busy knitting month!  Here are some of my projects, I have going:

Aster in a new limited edition Kestrel color (coming soon in July!). This is my first time knitting for a photo shoot, and I'm pretty proud of the results and can’t wait to wear this pretty piece.

The Iris Crop Top, which I’m making into a dress, along with our design director Peg.  We both fell in love with this beautiful summery knit. I’m knitting mine in Kestrel Tellin and the skirt in Sparrow Conch. This one is going to take me forever to finish, but I’m hoping to finish in time to wear it this season.

The Simple Hat from the Home & Away Collection. I made my husband this perfect hat for Father’s Day from Osprey in Honey. I made it short to give it a Steve Zissou/Life Aquatic vibe.  

So, there you have it: Another full month of knitterly goodness.

Wishing you all a lovely summer full of lots of knitting and quality time with loved ones.

Until next time,



I just love you guys! So, so, so enjoy all your patterns and yarns!

Lisa July 13, 2022

We are currently visiting the Kennybunk area of Maine and I wholeheartedly agree with your description of this beautiful state in summer!
And that children’s sweater is adorable. Can’t wait to knit it!

Nancy July 13, 2022

I just love Quince & Co. Your yarns and emails are wonderful. Thank you.

Susie Marro July 10, 2022

That’s a nice post Michelle… you’ve had a very pleasant, beautiful month!!!

Diana Nowak July 10, 2022

Sounds like a lovely time!!! A lot being knitted!! I loved viewing your projects and vacation photos!!

Audrey July 10, 2022

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