Color abounds on Ravelry! Kind of reflects the state of our little corner of the world, which is very near peak leaf-peeping time.
If you haven't joined in on the Knitbot KAL for October, there are still two full weeks in which to cast on and get in on the action. I've seen several sweet projects cropping up already in the FOs thread. I promised I would make the 70 yard mitts...and I am determined to do so. Leila already made a pair of the Willard Mitts and put me to shame! To be fair, she sidetracked me by gifting me one of her shawl designs :)
Here are my favorites this month from Ravelry--color work cowls, subtle color play with neutrals, and sweet textures:
1. Dunlap by Erika Flory, in Finch Aleutian, Kittywake, and Sabine.
2. Bubble & Squeak by Carrolldj in Finch Audouin, Aleutian, Bark, and Nasturtium.
3. Alameda by Clare Lakewood in Finch Egret, Clay, and Sedum.
4. Shifting Tides cardigan by Beatrice Perron Dahlen in Owl Sokoke and Tyto (from her new collection, Autumn Beach).
5. Barnstorm by Joan Forgione in Owl Abyssinian, Cinnamon, Chamomile, and Owl Tweet Russet.
6. The Comfort of Lines by Melissa Schaschwary in Lark Audouin and Caspian.
7. Kissel Hill by Heather Zoppetti in Osprey Nasturtium (from her new book, Unexpected Cables).
8. Clarice Mitts by Amy Sparks in Chickadee Pea Coat.
9. Honeycomb Sweater by Allison Jane in Finch Cypress (I Like Knitting, October 2015).
On Instagram, there's just...more of the same. Really tempting color work, lovely textures...abundant inspiration.
1. @simonesmanufaktur, an Ebba in progress. Chickadee in Sabine, Honey, and what do we think the third color is? Iceland? Glacier?
2. @beehoffman, a Karusellen hat in progress. I love these two colors together! Looks like Lark in Kumlien's Gull and Gingerbread.
3. @whit_knits, the SECOND this pattern gets written up...I want to go to there. Puffin in Audouin, Bark, Apricot, and Gingerbread.
4. @tweedyisland, Antiquity mitts in progress, in Chickadee Storm.
5. @mittsnmasonjars, finished Kaerlig mitts in Tern Dusk.
6. @mlerty, a finished Truss Cardigan in Lark Iceland.
Here's to dropping temperatures!
xoxo, jerusha