Tip Tuesday: Socktober - Knit Perfectly Fitted Sock Toes
Recommended Tools:

Judy’s Magic Cast On - Step-by-Step

- Prepare Your Needles: Hold your two needles together parallel to each other, with the points facing to the left.

- Set Up Your Yarn: Pick up your yarn as if you are about to do a long tail cast on. Your working yarn should go over your index finger and your tail placed over your thumb. Use the rest of your fingers to hold the ends of this loop in place.
Create a twisted loop on your top needle. This acts as the first stitch.
Note: you can use a slip knot if you’d prefer but a slip knot will leave a bump from the knot on your toe.

- Wrap the Bottom Needle: Bring the working yarn (from your index finger) in between the two needles and then over the top of the bottom needle. This forms the first stitch on the bottom needle. -Total 2 stitches.

- Wrap the Top Needle: Next, bring the tail yarn (from your thumb) in between the two needles and then over the top of the top needle, forming the second stitch on the top needle. -Total 3 stitches.

- Repeat: Repeat steps 3 & 4, until you have the desired number of stitches on both needles.
Your final stitch should be made on your bottom needle.
When you are done you should have an even number of stitches split between your needles.

- Arrange the Needles to Knit in the Round: Turn your needles around counter clockwise. This adds a twist to your last stitch to hold it in place.

- Start Knitting In The Round: Now you’re ready to begin knitting! The stitches that are now on your top needle will appear twisted. Knit these stitches through the back loop.

- Continue Knitting in the Round: Once you get past the first half of your stitches, knit the rest of your stitches through the front loop.

Continue knitting, adding increases for your sock as the pattern recommends until you have completed the toe section of your sock.
Final Touch: Blocking
For that perfect, polished fit, don’t skip blocking. It’ll help shape your socks and ensure they look their best.
Ready to learn more? Check out our 5-Minute Guide to Sock Blocking and give your handmade socks the finishing touch they deserve.
Give Judy’s Magic Cast On a try this Socktober, with our Abbey Road Socks by Ann Budd and enjoy knitting toe-up socks that fit like a dream!
1 comment
I only knit toe up socks. Kudos to Quince for this project highlighting the technique. But a video is worth a thousand words and photos.