techniques: sloped bind off

Sloped bind off: what, why, and how

Binding off stitches can be used as a shaping method on edges such as necklines, shoulders, and other areas of the garment where the typical method of using decreases (such as k2tog or ssk) is not desirable—for instance, in an allover stitch pattern that would be interrupted by shaping, or where small groupings of stitches are bound off a time to create a sloped edge of a piece, such as the shoulder shaping on Gilead from the Linen Noir collection.

Using the standard bind-off method to shape a piece in this way can result in a stair-step effect to the fabric edge. To minimize this jagged edge, we suggest using the sloped bind-off method, which utilizes slipped stitches to smooth the transition from one row to the next. Below, we'll show you how the sloped bind off is worked.

First, set up for the method by slipping the final stitch of the row just before the bind-off begins.

How to work the sloped bind-off

1. The sloped bind off begins with two unworked stitches on the RH needle; one unworked stitch from the previous row and one slipped at the beginning of this row:

2. Insert the LH needle into the unworked stitch from the previous row:

3. Pass the unworked stitch from the previous row up and over the slipped stitch:

This counts as the first bound off stitch:

4. Bind off the remaining number of stitches specified in the pattern as for a regular bind off:


After completing the row, take a moment to admire the lovely, uninterrupted edge of your fabric!

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