hawthorn, elua, and shona

hawthorn, elua, and shona

Friends, we have so much to catch up on! We have not done a showcase for Quince Quarterly projects since just after the new year. This year has been, and continues to be, a transformational one. As makers, we transform simple materials into what can bring beauty, joy, comfort, to ourselves and others—and we are always learning, always expanding our skills and honing them to expertise. We are none of us strangers to change—indeed it is the only constant. May we all move through change with as much mindfulness, gratitude, equanimity, and perseverance as we can and take care of ourselves and each other as we do so.

In a few days, we will be closing signups for our Fall Twenty Twenty box (featuring Quince's founder, Pam Allen,) and in a couple of weeks will be publishing Bristol Ivy's QQ offerings, Hacienda and Villa, for everyone to purchase and enjoy. Spoilers...we begged Bristol to suggest yarns and needle sizes for making cold-weather versions of these...stay tuned for swatches!

I write as the leaves look like they're getting ready to turn. The air feels and smells different. Summer is nearly over. I have skipped over a couple of boxes since the winter, so am happy to share with you all some sweet WIPs and FOs of pieces featured in QQ fall 2019, when we included Leila Raven's Hawthorn in pretty Chickadee Organic Heathers and in super soft Phoebe, plus her new book To the Point: The Knitted Triangle, which Level 2 folks received in their boxes.

In July we opened up our Winter Twenty Twenty patterns—Elua socks (Leila Raven) in wispy silk/wool Tern and Shona stole (yours truly) in squishy Osprey—to all, and I'm finding many expertly executed versions of these two projects popping up on Instagram and Ravelry.

I don't design very often, but boy is it such an honor when someone tells you they are knitting something that came out of your brain. Or that they want to, or that they did and they love the results...you get the picture. Designing, especially if you're going to grade and size a garment, is quite the undertaking—so many considerations, and bodies are bodies. Unique as snowflakes. Plan for what you can and hope for the best. Hope that folks can make their own mods if they want to without much fuss and that they will be happy with the end results. 

To our Quince Quarterly folks, we are grateful: For delighting in what we always hope will be exciting and fun every time, even in times such as these, of increased upheaval and change.

So here are just a few of my favorite photos from Instagram and Ravelry of finished projects from our Quince Quarterly fall 2019 and winter 2020 editions. Enjoy!


Fall 2019, Levels 1 and 2: Hawthorn by Leila Raven
hawthorn, elua, and shona

left to right: Ohmyfive's Hawthorn in Chickadee Organic Heathers Jasper, @guacdaddie's Hawthorn in Chickadee Organic Heathers Skyline, @cararaeknits's Hawthorn in Phoebe Saturn, BarnesJ's Hawthorn in Chickadee Organic Heathers Moss


Winter 2020, Level 1: Elua by Leila Raven
hawthorn, elua, and shona
left to right: Ccchieko's in Tern Mist, AbbieCat63's in Tern Beach Glass, Moderson's in Tern Shoals


Winter 2020, Level 2: Shona by Jerusha Neely
hawthorn, elua, and shona

left to right: @madelt2013's in Osprey Bosc, @marsknit's in Osprey Sage, @mysteya's in Osprey Stream

Subscriptions are open now, but not for long! Quince Quarterly Fall 2020 boxes will ship October 1. After signups close, they will open again in December for QQ Winter 2021. Make sure you're signed up to receive our e-letter and you'll be the first to know when it's time!

New to Quince Quarterly? Read all about it here.


all my love, 


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