taking care in a chaotic time

taking care in a chaotic time

Community is everything.

One of the things we love most about our craft is the community that surrounds it. From all walks of life, practically everywhere you can point to on the globe, there’s a knitter, maker, fiber arts enthusiast to connect with. Our community is composed of a dazzlingly bright kaleidoscope of individuals, and it’s been heartening to see everyone come together, in so many ways, in these uncertain times. Community is everything, more so now than ever.

We know that no matter where you are, you’re likely worried about what the future holds regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. On the local, national, and global scale, “normal life” is being replaced with isolation and trepidation. It’s our greatest wish and fervent belief that together, we will overcome the challenges that have arisen, with an even stronger will to thrive together than ever before.

As we mentioned on Instagram over the weekend: Our first priority is keeping our employees and customers safe. We have developed strict protocols internally following the best available guidelines. We are ensuring that communal surfaces are frequently disinfected, any employees who suspect they might be symptomatic, or who have come in contact with anyone who may have been exposed, stay at home and that any of the products that we ship to our customers have been properly handled and stored.

Further, we are taking very seriously the importance of social distancing in minimizing the spread of disease, and we’re working to implement strategies within our company that allow us to continue operations to the best of our abilities, without endangering the health of our employees or our customers.

To those of you supporting Quince with your patronage through these challenging times—our deepest thanks. For many, knitting is an important, meditative salve, as it is for us. So we will be here, doing what we can to serve you to the best of our abilities, whenever you want to cast on with some new Quince yarn. If things change on our end, and we are no longer able to safely process orders, you will be the first to know.

We are strongest when we remember, above all else, that we are all in this together. Knitters, fiber artists, and the vast majority of human beings alive today will be challenged by COVID-19. For some, the challenge will be simply to do the right thing, and not go to that party or that dinner that may expose you, and then someone more vulnerable. For others, the challenges will be much greater. Take good care—of ourselves, and each other—and our communities, all of them, will get through this.

With love, Quince & Co


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