sparrow 2016 spotlight: amalia

sparrow 2016 spotlight: amalia

A constant refrain around here is "simple is best." A garment doesn't need to have a long list of bells and whistles in order to be interesting or worthy of casting on. That said, a garment doesn't necessarily need to be a plain-vanilla, humdrum type of design in order to wear the humble yet irresistible badge of "simple."

Sometimes you can have the best of both worlds.

Enter Amalia, a sublime example of good design. This linen top shows off the qualities of garter-stitch fabric in its flared hem, without stifling it beneath a knitted noise of techniques and busy, unrelated details.

Garter stitch is sometimes relegated to beginners' territory, no more than training wheels to the "real stuff", meant to be cast off and never returned to again once the knitter has learned to purl or, at least, to knit everything in the round whenever possible.

Pam once again shows us how fantastic, exciting and different garter stitch can be. Amalia needs no more to its silhouette than that beautifully simple flared hem, comprised of cleverly constructed garter stitch panels. The plain stockinette-stitch body is framed with minimal trim at neck and arm openings—in garter stitch, of course.

Simple is best.

sparrow 2016 spotlight: amalia

Amalia is part of the Sparrow 2016 collection by the Quince design team. View the full collection and lookbook.

Shop our Sparrow linen yarn.

Previous posts on Sparrow 2016: in fine feather; spotlight: aila

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