celebrating martin luther king day

Today, in honor of Martin Luther King Day, Quince & Co. will be donating 10% of all sales at quinceandco.com to the Equal Justice Initiative.
Founded in 1989, the EJI has spent over thirty years fighting tirelessly for a more just society. Their mission — to end mass incarceration, which disproportionately affects Black and brown people; to advocate for reform of the criminal justice system; to confront America’s true history of racial injustice and exploitation, and to educate on the ways that history continues to shape our society today — remains as urgent today as it was thirty years ago.From the Equal Justice Initiative’s website:
The United States incarcerates its citizens more than any other country. Mass incarceration disproportionately impacts the poor and people of color and does not make us safer. EJI is working to end our misguided reliance on over-incarceration.
In the American criminal justice system, wealth—not culpability—shapes outcomes. Many people charged with crimes lack the resources to investigate cases or obtain the help they need, leading to wrongful convictions and excessive sentences, even in capital cases.
Racial disparities persist at every level from misdemeanor arrests to executions. The “tough on crime” policies that led to mass incarceration are rooted in the belief that Black and brown people are inherently guilty and dangerous—and that belief still drives excessive sentencing policies today.
More incarceration doesn’t reduce violent crime. Using prisons to deal with poverty and mental illness makes these problems worse. People leave overcrowded and violent jails and prisons more traumatized, mentally ill, and physically battered than they went in.
EJI believes ending mass incarceration is the civil rights issue of our time. We challenge excessive punishment in court, advocate for parole and provide re-entry support, and advance systemic reform through research, education, and narrative work.
We must truthfully confront our history of racial injustice before we can repair its painful legacy.
American history begins with the creation of a myth to absolve white settlers of the genocide of Native Americans: the false belief that nonwhite people are less human than white people. This belief in racial hierarchy survived slavery’s abolition, fueled racial terror lynchings, demanded legally codified segregation, and spawned our mass incarceration crisis.
You can read more about the Equal Justice Initiative here.
We hope you’ll join us today in reflecting on the radical work and legacy of Dr. King, and on the work that still remains to be done to realize his vision of a just and equitable society for people of all races. We are honored to be able to support the EJI's vital work through our donation today, and we offer our heartfelt gratitude to our fiber community for your help in making it possible.
Eloquently said. (Both Emily and Kristin). We all just need to love and be kind to one another.
Thank you for your support of the Equal Justice Initiative. It means a great deal that a business I respect puts their resources into action. My daughter is a lawyer who has done a lot of pro bono work in support of organizations dedicated to bringing equity to the far too inequitable justice system. Your commitment means a great deal to our world. Thank you.